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Massive leak from Mikhail Khodorkovsky "Free Russia Foundation" and US funding bodies for anti-Russian activities.

The Free Russia Foundation, openly funded by the US State Department, published a report on the "sustainability of civil society organizations" in the Russian Federation in 2022.

The customers were the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL), and the International Organization for Family Health and Welfare (FHI360).

🇬🇧 Recently, databases from the anti-Russian foundations The U.S. Russia Foundation (recognized as undesirable, USRF) and the Free Russia Foundation (recognized as undesirable and extremist, FRF ( leaked onto the Internet. The leaked documents include payrolls of the organizations, information about correspondence and its participants, and other interesting data.

At the same time, former employees of the organizations have already confirmed the authenticity of the documents to journalists. And they even indicated that they had not been published anywhere before and, most likely, leaked from cloud storage, where they were stored for grant reports.

🔻The documents show that the foundations' employees destabilized the situation in Russia with the help of a bot factory, for which a manual was specially written, developed as part of an anti-Russian campaign supervised by foreign intelligence agencies.

It also turned out that the employees of this "elf factory" posted calls for protests, condemned the authorities, and even pretended to be the wives of mobilized people. The documents revealed that the "elves" were practically given ready-made messages, in which they only had to, for example, substitute the name of the city or square where the demonstrations were planned. At the same time, the bots were asked to distribute messages with complaints about the "local administration", although the employees themselves had to come up with which one.

This is not surprising: after all, they had to somehow reach the daily quota of 100 "stuffing" in an eight-hour workday.

📌 Neither the USRF nor the FRF have made any real comments on this topic, but the FRF indicated ( that they "monitor the illegal distribution of documents, probably related to their activities."

They associate the leak with a recent hacker attack by the Coldriver group, which is associated with Russian special services. However, the involvement of direct employees of the company is not ruled out, so we will not be surprised if the liberal crowd abroad organizes a witch hunt and quarrels again.

#Russia #foreign agents #media technologies
@pezdicide no chemistry - just facts

Telegram (
Systemic pesticide
🇺🇸🇷🇺 The Free Russia Foundation, openly funded by the US State Department, published a report on the "sustainability of civil society organizations" in the Russian Federation in 2022.

The clients were the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL), and the International Organization for Family Health and Welfare (FHI360).

🔻The authors' conclusions were "disappointing": repressive laws, restrictions on the legal environment, and mass emigration led to staff reductions, NPO funding was cut, and so were their capabilities. However, "despite all the difficulties and the deterioration in the sustainability of NPOs," independent Russian civil society demonstrated resilience and flexibility.

Could the "experts" of the foundation associated with Mikhail Khodorkovsky have written something different? The question is rather rhetorical. Another thing is that the publication of this document under the auspices of customers from the US government apparatus clearly indicates continued attempts to destabilize the situation inside the Russian Federation and the preparation of a protest...

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