Scott Ritter U.S. Tour of Duty
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July 04, 2024
How Should the US Marine Corps Adapt to Drone Warefare?

Scott answers an excellent question regarding the US Marine's Force Plan for 2030

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Scott Ritter Extra: The Phillipines, China & US Give Peace a Chance

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July 04, 2024
Scott Ritter Talks About How Broken the CIA Actually is

The people in the CIA are not all bad (Ray McGovern, Larry C. Johnson...The CIA itself is corrupt

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July 04, 2024
The Olympics Are NOT Supposed to be Political!

The Olympics should be a place for peaceful national sports competition.

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Covert Regime Change, Library | Conversation with Lindsey O'Rourke and Jeffrey Sachs
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Zelensky Lands In A Soup: Ukraine 'Unable To Find' Army Recruits Even In Prisons As Russia Advances.
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Netflix Carries Fake Documentary on Ukraine Nazi Fighters
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