Scott Ritter U.S. Tour of Duty
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Thank you, Scott Ritter, for your truth and experience sharing. Your podcasts help me feel sane in a threatening time. I'm not a veteran but love your discussions on the Ukraine situation and presenting Russia's position. Agree on all! The USA needs to be re-taken by We The People.
Keep safe and keep sharing your info. Thank you!

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Germany Has An Occupied Mindset!

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Noam Chomsky Can't be Trusted to Get it Right

Noam Chomsky blew it big time when he had the truth right in front of him--- it makes trusting his analysis difficult!

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23 hours ago
Ask the Inspector Will Be Live In Russia!!

Support this historic trip to Russia. Help us show the real Russia to the World!

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Ritter actually here shows with hes analyse of "what will Putin do" (at the end of the show), real good analytic skills, superior to all i have heard from others. It is so good that it is almost redicules.

Edit: And why he is the best frontline fighter we have in this fight for a decent world.

Richard Poe: Lecture on the release of his book.

"How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews)."
The Untold Story of Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, MI6, and the Russian Revolution



An Australian City Councilor, Adrian McRae, from Port Hedland, Western Australia, was invited to be an election observer for the Russian Presidential Election. Along with many other observers from around the world, they certified the election to be free and fair, and that Vladimir Putin was the duly elected president.

When he returned home, he was called a Putin stooge, across the entire Russophobic media. The Major tried to remove him from the council, even to the extent that he found the only two Ukrainian women, within 1000 kilometres to smear him. However, Adrian had support in the council and beat the motion, defeating the Mayor's no-confidence vote.

Well at least the Mayor still had the two Ukrainian women to deal with.

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